Friday, May 31, 2013

Wow, it's been that long??

We just printed more photos today and apparently, we haven't printed any since January!! Good lord.... lol
We had both thought we had printed some later than that but guess not lol. Just shows how quickly time flies by sometimes.

Gosh, looking at the photos of Zoe. It's so hard to believe that some of them were just a couple of months ago and how much she has grown. It's like an eternity and a second at the same time. So strange.
I wish I had held her more when she was a newborn b/c now... she is a squirmy independent little diva. She does still like to be held, but if she sees something that she wants to mess with she goes for it... repeatedly. Not sure if she grasps the word NO yet or if she chooses to just ignore it lol.

Anyway, with the next, I'll definitely cherish the first few months more than I did with Zoe. I'll probably be even more exhausted taking care of 2 LOs but I'm gonna be doing my best :)

All alone tonight with Zoe.

One of DH's friends is having some kind of pre-birthday gamers night with friends. DH took his computer over there to play games and whatnot with whoever is there.
I really don't like being home without him here at night. I'm paranoid with him here... so without him is a bit.....scary.
It's not that we even live in a bad neighborhood or anything.... just paranoia.
But anywho, I hope he has fun. His friends are good people... thank goodness.

Anywho, I have my giant bowl of ice cream (yes, I am cheating like a mofo on my diet) and about to watch Magic Mike on HBOGo (thanks SiL for giving us her password for it! hehe).

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