Monday, May 6, 2013


That is what our days are filled with right now lol.
She is one talkative little girl. She doesn't actually say words, but it's still adorable to listen to her go on and on.
She is saying Dadadadada, but not saying it in context yet. Whenever we say it to her, she just gives us this look and then continues on with what she was doing lol.

She has her 9m appointment well, on the day she turns 9m. Excited to see how much she weighs now. We try weighing her at home but our scale isn't as accurate I guess.
If it is though, then she's almost 20lbs.
I have not built up the momma muscles that I should have. I can barely hold her for a few minutes without getting fatigued lol. I'm such a weakling.

Our poor dog isn't doing well. She's our oldest and I think she probably doesn't have much longer with us.
She is about... hmm... 14 or 15 years old. Just a mutt. She's been pretty healthy and active her entire life, but she has slowed WAY down this last year and she's been puking and not eating or drinking for the last couple of days.
Hoping she's just come down with something and it will pass soon, but I can't remember a time when she hasn't eaten anything.
Poor pup. Our 2nd oldest dog is going to be devastated whenever it does happen. That is her best buddy and I really don't know what she is going to do with herself. :(
Sigh we'll see what happens I guess, but we're prepared for the worst.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, baby babbles are so cute! :-)
So sorry to hear about your dog! I hope and pray she will be okay! *hugs*