Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Grrrr, stay still!!!

And the headaches start.

It started with Zoe wanting to grab her feet during diaper changes, now it's her twisting and turning. Bonus is when she starts peeing when doing this and it gets everything soaked. AWESOME -_-

Footie pajamas SUCK right now b/c of that. Trying to button those damn things up while she's twisting and turning. UUUUUUUUGH. The ones I hate w/ the one leg that you have to fold them in half to get in to are barely any better. We have 1 we use b/c SiL bought it for Zoe and.... yeah... still just as much of a PiTA trying to get her leg in to that sleeve.

I don't even want to imagine what it's going to be like when she is mobile... or learns how to take her diapers off!! POO EVERYWHERE!!! O_O


Anonymous said...

Oh no!! That's gotta be tricky!!

Shari said...

Oh the fun for you is just beginning.....hehe :) We are going through the independent stage right now. She no longer wants to be carried, but instead needs to walk everywhere! This gives my arms a break, but she thinks she gets to go where she wants to go. :)

LisaL said...

Lol Shari..... I'm gonna have to stock up on tylenol.