Monday, June 4, 2018

Last week!

Zoe's last week of kindergarten. Wow. Seemed like when I was in school, it went by sooooooo slooooooow and hers just went by so quick. And not sure if times have changed, but it sure did seem like she had days off all the damn time too.
I'm sure that probably has changed. Less money now so they have to take more time off to save money b/c this country doesn't put education first.
I seriously think they don't b/c it's not beneficial to them to have a smart population. They're hoping to keep the majority stupid and ignorant b/c they're easier to manipulate and control.
Just a damn shame.
They have a party tomorrow that I'm not going to b/c I'm not dragging the boys to it. It was slightly easy before when Ezra was happy to sit in his stroller, but now? Pfft, NOPE. I already told Zoe that we wouldn't be going.

Anywho... just looking forward to sleeping in! Even if it's just for 30 more minutes. It's going to be awesome!
And not having to change clothes every day! Yes, my lazy ass is looking forward to being a giant dirty bum in my dirty ass clothes with my little dirty children and not as much laundry to do!
Sweet, dirty bliss.

And yep, I had something else I wanted to mention but it flew away to never be remembered again.

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