Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Had myself a breakdown

I don't know why it happened, but it did.
Zoe had an end of the school year party. I hadn't planned on going to it, but decided to go. Kids loved it and it was all great. Near the end, the boys were acting fussy b/c they didn't want to go, but meh. NOthing major.
Then we got home and the whining started and continued... and continued some more and it just kept building on me and I could feel it making me physically sick. I could feel my blood pressure rising and it wouldn't come down.
DH got home and it just escalated and I couldn't shake it and he certainly didn't help b/c he started getting annoyed at the kids for whining so much and.... yeah. I managed to keep it together until after dinner and then I just had to go lay down and cry and cry and cry.
Sigh... I went to bed early too b/c I just didn't feel well and I needed to. I needed to be alone.. to be left alone. I needed some peace.
Thankfully I feel normal this morning.
Just surprised to be honest b/c the kids whining isn't anything new, but it all just piled on to me yesterday and for some reason I couldn't just shake it all off and it broke me.

Sigh....... sometimes you just need to be alone for a moment to catch your breath or cry your eyes out.. ya know?

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