Sunday, February 3, 2019

It's February!!

I'm sorry I don't post a lot here anymore.
There's really not much to post other than just every day life.

Lets see.. kids first..

Orens potty training is going slooooow. He's so stubborn about it and will not poop in the potty. I still have to tell him to pee in it too. He's getting better though and has started to go on his own. Just a couple of times, but it's still better than nothing. I think I'm just going to have to ditch the pull ups and go with only underwear. It's so gross when they poop in them, but I think that will get him to just use the potty.
He's good other than that though. Growing so fast.

Ezra is good too. The epitome of terrible twos though. Lord have mercy. He puts my stress level to a 10. Throws, tantrums, whines, cries, thinks he's the boss, picky as shit eater, etc.
He can be so sweet one minute and the next is a howler monkey demon from the pits of hell! lol

Zoe is good too. She's struggling a little in math in school, but bought some workbooks to help her. She gets bored very easily with it and wants to rush through everything so doesn't pay attention to the details.
Like with reading, instead of sounding out a word she doesn't know, she'll see something that looks like a word she already knows and will say that's what it is. If that makes sense.
She's super smart, just impatient.

DH and I are doing great.
Both sticking to our diets and doing well.
I'm down to 178.8 as of this morning. My weight has been fluctuating 2lbs. Up 2lbs and down 2lbs for the last month. It's frustrating as shit.
Decided to give up nightshades this month (tomatoes, peppers) b/c I'm certain I'm intolerant to them. Since those were the main veggies I was eating, decided to also try carnivore this month too.
Nothing but meat, eggs, and some dairy. Well... I'm 99% carnivore. I still drink diet soda, and I'm still using almond/cashew unsweetened milk in my morning coffee along with monk fruit sweetener.
So I'm definitely not doing it perfectly/strict, but I'm doing what is going to work for me.
I also started exercising again. Got a bad cold along with a bad period at the same time. Just completely drained me so I stopped exercising for a couple of weeks.
Just started back up and yep.. I still hate it. I don't mind doing the exercises, but it's just getting up to actually do it. I love being lazy!!
But... I don't want to be skinny fat and flabby so gotta get this going. I may never like exercising, but I know it's going to help me get healthier.
Along with losing weight, I'm just hoping going carnivore helps mental clarity. i always read about this benefit, and hoping that happens for myself. I really want to start creating/crafting more this year.
Have BIG ideas for Trunk or Treat that DH wants to participate in that I need to start right now.

DH is down about 60 or so pounds. He is VERY close to being under 200lbs now. His weight went up a little bit and has been stuck for a couple of weeks now. I know he's frustrated about it, but you gotta trust this process. Scale might be stuck, but he's exercising now and gaining muscle and I'm sure losing inches. He's not doing carnivore with me. well... not completely.

Anyway... we're both good and feeling good.
Hoping that my stomach will FINALLY start to shrink. I do still have about 55 or so pounds I want to lose and it feels like my stomach is going to be the last thing to go. I've lost 45lbs! 45!! And I've oNLY dropped 2 pant sizes. Yeah that's awesome, but damn.. there are others out there that are my same starting weight, same pounds lost or less and have dropped 4 sizes b/c their stomach disappeared.
Mine though??? NOPE!! Still there, still huge.. still making me look like I'm pregnant. Grrr

And not sure if I mentioned it... but SiL is having another girl. Aww :) Really happy to be getting another niece. Was hoping for a boy just so mine could have some boy cousins to play with but they'll be around some strong girl cousins that will give them a run for their money.

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