Friday, January 12, 2018

So... what's up??

Nothing much really going on here.
Been SO tired lately. Period showed up and just not getting enough sleep it seems even though I'm going to bed the same time as usual. I just go through the day feeling absolutely drained.
I just need to start exercising already. Have not started yet and I don't want it to end up the summer before I get serious about losing weight again.
Just don't want to look back and wish I had started sooner when I could have. BUT with that being said... not sure it's going to happen this month to be honest. Maybe not even next month since we're going to Disney. We'll see.
I'm sure once  I start exercising, my energy will come back.

Kids are good.
Still being lazy and haven't started potty training Oren yet. Again.. probably won't happen until after we get back from Disney.
He's talking SO much though. Still can't understand everything, but it's 50/50. He can say enough to get by ;)
He's so smart too and already counting a little bit and knows a lot of colors :D Really.. it's thanks to Zoe and her love of her brothers. Their playing has really helped him.

Same with Ezra. He's WAY more active? than the other 2 were at this age. He just seems like he's more aware and I'm sure that's in big part to his siblings and their playing.
He's doing well too. Getting quite the little attitude on him, but he loves hugs and snuggling so it's ok lol.

Zoe is doing great. Still getting in to little trouble at school. Just small things thankfully, so I'm not worried about it. She's doing ok with her school work too. Some things she still doesn't understand, but she gets most of it so far.

They're all growing up so fast. It really is incredible just how fast it is. I mean, once you really sit down and think about it... we're really not on this world for very long. I have what... maybe 40 more years if I'm lucky and take care of myself. That will be gone in the blink of an eye. I don't want to look back and just feel nothing but regret.
I'm going to try harder to improve... everything. Try not to let the small things bother me so much... try to be a better mother... try to be a better wife... just try to be better overall.

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