Sunday, September 24, 2017

Time to get crafty!

So I've been in a creative rut now for... forever. I'll get bursts of inspiration as I'm sure anyone who has regularly read my blog would know, but then it will slowly but surely die.
I need to get back to it though.
DH pretty much volunteered me for a ballerina shoe painting auction thing. I can decorate a ballerina shoe however I want and it will be auctioned off when the local play does Dracula. I basically have a little less than a month to finish it.
I just need inspiration now. I'm not sure how gruesome/gory I can go with it, or if they want to keep things more pg or what. All I was told was...  just do whatever!... sigh
Along with that, there are a few more things I'd like to start doing too. Like getting my sewing skills up a bit more. We have an anime convention we're going to in November and I would love to make some costumes for the kids.
Plus I just want to start drawing again. Our walls need more artwork on them! :)

So yeah.. we'll see. It's difficult to really do anything though when Ezra is awake. He wants to be part of everything and gets in to everything.

Healing up ok. Face is swollen and tighter and a little sore, but I'm ok overall.

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