Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sorry for nott posting so much!

I swear, I always mean to post, but then I get distracted with other things and just completely forget to.

Things are still good here though.
Zoe loves school and had her first birthday invite this past Sunday.
We went even though DH and I both really didn't want to, but it really wasn't bad.
The parents of the boy are really nice and I could see us being friend with them if they ever wanted that.
Making friends as an adult sucks... seriously.

Anyway, the part went really well. The kids had a lot of fun just running around and playing.
Oren played a bit too much b/c he threw up shortly after we left. Oops lol.
It was so cute though. The birthday boy was the first friend Zoe talked about and when we got there, he kept telling Zoe to follow him and then suddenly "Zoe, I love you." Awwwwwwwwwwww
Kids are so darn cute and innocent and pure!

Zoe also had her first little "concert" thing at school last night. She was so darn cute up on stage with the other kindergartners. MiL, FiL, and aunt came to see it too. She finally spotted them and waved enthusiastically at them. OMG seriously... it was so cute that I actually started to tear up. Love my baby so much.

Oren is doing well, but holy crap I'm so tired of his little hissy crying fits. 3 is going to be even worse.....
I love his little ass, but good googly moogly he gets on my nerves when he starts his whining/crying tantrums. Thankfully asking him if he wants to take a nap usually gets him to calm down b/c he knows if he doesn't, I'll make him go lay down in bed.
Oh and we switched him to his toddler bed finally :)
He wasn't climbing out, but he'd climb in when he was playing with Zoe.
He's been pretty good about staying in bed so far though. Gotta enjoy that while it lasts lol.

Ezra is doing well too. Still not walking on his own, but meh.. I'm not in any hurry for it to happen. He cruises perfectly fine and he can definitely stand on his own, but he's just like Zoe was and doesn't like letting go.
He HATES going in to his carseat. We definitely have the "stiff as a board w/ a twisting action bonus" child when trying to put him in... along with some crying and screaming. UGH lol. We're still using an infant carrier with him. Keep talking about needing to buy an upgrade and then we never do.
Something always comes up and we forget.

What else.....
I'm getting my bottom wisdom teeth (the only ones I have) removed and the implant started on Friday. That's going to suck, but gotta get it done. Should've gotten it done before school started, but I just never thought about it and when it was brought up, I just procrastinated until I forgot.
Hopefully healing goes well and fast.

My birthday is tomorrow. 38.... frickin 38 years old! Mentally I certainly don't feel that old... and don't act that old lol, but physically, I feel about 80 lol.
38 though.. geeze.
Need to get back on track to losing weight. I fell off the wagon and that wagon kept on going and going and is now settled down and created a city without me. lol
I don't even know how much I weigh now. But the thing is.. I'm not THAT upset about it. It's... weird. I mean.. obviously I don't like that I fell back in to bad habits, but I'm also good... not happy that I can't fit in to some clothes once again, but.. meh. lol
Once I'm feeling better though, it's back on track to losing weight /nodnod.
Hoping that we'll be back to losing weight and getting healthy by Oct 1st :)

I'm sure there's a bunch more stuff, but I'll save that for later :D

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