Friday, February 9, 2018

So.. what's up?

Just kind of trying not to lose my shit constantly here.
Good lordy. Kids drive you up the frickin wall sometimes. And how is whining a thing?? WHY does that even fucking start??
Holy shit.. I never knew something could be as annoying as whining. That is about 90% of what comes out of Zoe's mouth and I just want to rip my damn hair out every time.
I will make them ask/tell me whatever they just said, but without whining b/c I just can't and do not want to encourage them to keep it up. Holy hell, I hope this phase passes quick.. even though I'm sure it won't.

Oren's little hissy fits are soul draining too. I shouldn't call them little. Everything triggers him to cry. I don't get it b/c it's not like we encouraged him by giving him attention when he does it. He's just sensitive I guess. He needs to get over it though.
He's lucky he's cute... ;P lol
Can't believe he's gonna be 3 in a month! Holy moly where has the time gone. On one hand it seems like it's gone by so fast and then on the other... seems like he's always been here... if that makes any sense.

Zoe is doing well.... except for the whining. Homework tests my patience though..... and boy does it fail. This is why I'm not a teacher b/c just nope. NOPE.
Getting annoyed with her school. I mean.. there's really nothing wrong with it. It's a good school and doesn't have a lot of kids which is great. I just don't like the "healthy" thing they have going lol.
I was just hoping they'd have more little parties where they could exchange candies or a parent could bring cupcakes or something, but nope.... healthy snacks only! And even for Valentine's day (which I think they're calling Friendship day)... no valentines with candy can be given out :\
Lol.... like I said... it's really not a big deal and I really shouldn't complain.
But here's another complaint anyway.
They got visited by firemen yesterday  and they all got little plastic firemen hats. Except Zoe came out and didn't have one on. I figured she just had it in her backpack, but nope. Her teacher took hers away b/c she was playing with it... as I'm sure they probably all were. I don't think the teacher is targeting Zoe or anything like that... just annoyed that she didn't get her gift back at the end of school.

Ezra is also doing great. He is definitely a handful. He talks a lot more than the other 2 did at this age. He also has thicker hair than the other 2 do.
It's so funny. My kids got whiter, lighter hair, lighter eye color and also got thicker hair with each one.
His eyes are so pretty still. No idea if they'll change more, but right now they're still the same as they have been. A darkish brown in the middle with blue/gray on the outside.
Told DH that if we had had one more... maybe that one would've been a little blue eyed baby lol.

I do have moments of regret about not having more, but they're only moments :) I'll have to wait however many years for some grandbabies to love all over and then hand them back to my tired children.. and laugh and laugh while I get to sleep in and do whatever the hell I want. MUAHAHAHAHAHA lol

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