Saturday, February 17, 2018

So annoying (venting my frustrations)

Anyone else have annoying ass FB friends that are part of pyramid schemes? There's one woman that's part of one of the mom groups I'm in and she keeps trying to promote some weight loss thing. Like.. no... no one has $400 frickin dollars a month to buy your shit.
What was really annoying before was when her other friends would ask her what she was doing and she'd post "I'll message you." No heifer. Just be honest and tell them you're trying to sell them shit. That you bought in to this scheme and are trying to make money.
I'd be a lot more inclined  to even  think about it if these folks were just honest about it.

And that one 'friend' posts at least once a week about Chester Bennington (Linkin Park singer that killed himself). I have yet to see her post a photo of her and her supposed BFF that she keeps going on and on about. And every single one of those posts.. no one ever likes or comments about it which makes me think her RL friends knows it's a bunch of crazy ass bullshit.
And before anyone is like "Ugh.. you're just jealous." LOL.. no. If she did actually know him.. oh that's cool. But no... this woman was not BFFs with him. Just no.

Also part of a pretty big aquarium hobby group. I enjoy it and like chatting about it with other folks or getting info etc. But UUUUUGH, there are so many assholes in the group. SO MANY. Like damn... can we just not be total twats for one fucking minute here? Can you tone down the asshole for one freaking second?? There are people in that group that literally go in and post gifs that have absolutely nothing to do with what the original post was about. They just go in to spam their random gif... and that's it.
And the pretentious know-it-all assholes that have nothing better to do than to rag on people's tanks b/c it has colored gravel or some shit they see as inferior. Just UGH.. SHUT UP.

Also assholes in comment sections that have to make every GD post political.
This comes from both sides too. Both sides are fucking terrible at this shit and it's so fucking ANNOYING. No one wants to read about some heartwarming or cute thing and then see your dumbass come in with what you think is a witty remark about politics. SHUT IT!!! Save that shit for your friends who I'm sure are tired of your stupid shit too!


Ok.. just had to get some of that off my chest. Kids have been really REALLY annoying the last 2 days and I just needed to vent about something.

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