Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Fucking seriously people?

I'm not religious... I'm open to praying and whatever and I don't mind my kids going to church with DH, but religion in general just isn't for me.
With that being said though. FUCK people who are attacking those saying "thoughts and prayers". Especially those assholes who want to use their views and say shit like "They were in a church praying and look where it got them" about the recent victims in Texas. Ya know what... FUCK YOU if you thought that shit.
Just fucking seriously??
If someone wants to say Thoughts and prayers and you're not religious or think it's stupid or whatever... keep your fucking thoughts to yourself b/c ya know what.... saying how pointless and stupid it is on FB or any other social media isn't doing shit either but showing how much of a dickface you are.
"Oh instead of saying thoughts and prayers.. how about doing something?"
Oh like you assholes are doing by posting stupid messages like that on the net? It's only serving to make your egos even bigger b/c you think you're somehow better than the "thoughts and prayers" folks.
Just ugh.. so fucking pissed off at shit like this.

Anywho... still feeling off. Been checking BP every once in a while and top number is a little high but DH says it's not in the danger zone and my bottom number is ok too.
I'm still going to bring it up at my doc appointment next month and still going to check it randomly through the day when I think to do it.
Must... Start.... Exercising!
Already been cooking at home more. Just need to cut down on the carbs some, but that's ok. My big problem is the exercising part.
I'm just SO low energy though. I think once I start and get in to the groove of it, it will help. Just have to do it.

We went to an anime convention this past weekend.
Used to be in to anime when I was younger, but not so much any longer. I like some recent things that I've seen, but I just can't deal with the typical BS that a lot of animes have.
Like stupid over dramatic long drawn out scenes. JUST GET ON WITH IT!! Stop wasting half the episode b/c some character needs to have a 30min monologue about how they feel about something.
Just a waste of damn time and my grumpy old ass can't deal with it anymore rofl.
I want to make the kids some cosplay costumes for it next year though. It was so fun seeing all of the awesome costumes everyone was wearing :)
I think Zoe in particular would really enjoy being able to dress up :)

Started on some easy DIY christmas things last night. Painting paper plates to look like giant lollypops. Was supposed to do it for last year, but procrastinating and laziness kept me from doing it lol. Got it started though and I'll have it done soon. Just need to find the sticks that I bought.
Have some other plans too. Want to start putting them up NOW.
I know a lot of people think it's too early and "What about Thanksgiving!" If Thanksgiving had the decorations that Christmas had... sure... but it doesn't... so bring on the Christmas stuff!!!
Thanksgiving isn't being forgotten b/c I am looking forward to that stuffing and turkey too :D
I'll get some photos of everything I do. Hopefully I'll have a lot of cute DIY stuff to share :)

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