Tuesday, November 14, 2017

My back!!

Welp... I was doing something random last night. Nothing strenuous... just turning around in the kitchen when my back decided to just give up on me.
Started off as just a bad twinge, but then it got worse and didn't go away.
Having lower back spasms and it's so damn painful.
Thankfully tylenol along with lots of ibuprofin has helped take the edge off the pain, but it still hurts and it's very stiff.
DH is getting off early to take Ez to his appointment and getting off a little sooner to pick Zoe up.
Sleeping sucked last night too. Thought laying down would help, but nope. It was just as bad, if not worse. So a night with trying to roll in to a better position so my back wouldn't hurt but failing miserably.
It would be one thing if it had happened when I was trying to exercise or something, but I literally just turned around to walk in the opposite direction and my back just gave me a big ole middle finger.

BUT the pain has subsided some. Maybe b/c of the pain meds I took, but probably not just that since I took some last night too and they did jack shit.

Monday, November 13, 2017

He keeps getting hurt

I swear.. Ezra is a walking disaster. lol
Poor kid keeps getting knocked over, bonking his head.. whatever. He's still kickin though and going strong. He also wants to eat almost all the time, but he's picky. Boy.. you're only 1yo.. you're not supposed to be picky yet!!

Oren has a double ear infection. The other day he woke up SUPER grumpy. We just thought it was b/c he was still tired and b/c he had a cold, but later that day, he pointed to his ear crying and said it hurt :(
DH was off so he took him to the doctor. Thankfully antibiotics seem to work fast b/c he's been ok since he was started on them.

He's such a sweet lil dude. Oh.. I want him to get over this whiny crying crap, but last night.. he was looking at my wedding ring. I asked... "Is it pretty?" and he said yeah. THen he pointed at me and said "You're pretty too."
OMG my heart melted. Sweet lil munchkin!

After working more with Zoe on her target words and alphabet. I still don't understand why they say she's behind. She has some problem identifying like 2 letters and she gets most of the words and points them out regularly. Maybe she doesn't do it in school. I dunno.
Just going to keep working on everything with her.

Still concerned about my BP but not as much. I've been making more of an attempt to stay calmer in situations that would normally stress me out.. like the kids screaming/crying/not listening. Definitely think it's stress along with just being unhealthy.
I've been making christmas decorations which helps to distract me too. Not a lot when the kids are up and bothering me lol, but when I get a moment to myself so I can work on it.
Still going to mention it at my appointment and keep an eye on my bp.

Oh Ezra... he's also a lot more demanding than the other 2 were at this age. It took a while for the kids to actually want stuff from the store, but him... he does his little hand grabby "want" motion at the store and gets upset if we don't give him something. He's such a lil stinker lol.
He's walking better and better. Still looks like he's been riding a horse all day when he walks, but he's getting a lot steadier on his feet :)
Think he has an appointment tomorrow that we forgot about until SUnday lol.

Can't wait for THanksgiving!! Kroger (grocery store) had turkeys on sale and we bought 2. 1 for THanksgiving and the other for whenever. Going to dry brine it and smother it in butter. Going to be so dang good!!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Fucking seriously people?

I'm not religious... I'm open to praying and whatever and I don't mind my kids going to church with DH, but religion in general just isn't for me.
With that being said though. FUCK people who are attacking those saying "thoughts and prayers". Especially those assholes who want to use their views and say shit like "They were in a church praying and look where it got them" about the recent victims in Texas. Ya know what... FUCK YOU if you thought that shit.
Just fucking seriously??
If someone wants to say Thoughts and prayers and you're not religious or think it's stupid or whatever... keep your fucking thoughts to yourself b/c ya know what.... saying how pointless and stupid it is on FB or any other social media isn't doing shit either but showing how much of a dickface you are.
"Oh instead of saying thoughts and prayers.. how about doing something?"
Oh like you assholes are doing by posting stupid messages like that on the net? It's only serving to make your egos even bigger b/c you think you're somehow better than the "thoughts and prayers" folks.
Just ugh.. so fucking pissed off at shit like this.

Anywho... still feeling off. Been checking BP every once in a while and top number is a little high but DH says it's not in the danger zone and my bottom number is ok too.
I'm still going to bring it up at my doc appointment next month and still going to check it randomly through the day when I think to do it.
Must... Start.... Exercising!
Already been cooking at home more. Just need to cut down on the carbs some, but that's ok. My big problem is the exercising part.
I'm just SO low energy though. I think once I start and get in to the groove of it, it will help. Just have to do it.

We went to an anime convention this past weekend.
Used to be in to anime when I was younger, but not so much any longer. I like some recent things that I've seen, but I just can't deal with the typical BS that a lot of animes have.
Like stupid over dramatic long drawn out scenes. JUST GET ON WITH IT!! Stop wasting half the episode b/c some character needs to have a 30min monologue about how they feel about something.
Just a waste of damn time and my grumpy old ass can't deal with it anymore rofl.
I want to make the kids some cosplay costumes for it next year though. It was so fun seeing all of the awesome costumes everyone was wearing :)
I think Zoe in particular would really enjoy being able to dress up :)

Started on some easy DIY christmas things last night. Painting paper plates to look like giant lollypops. Was supposed to do it for last year, but procrastinating and laziness kept me from doing it lol. Got it started though and I'll have it done soon. Just need to find the sticks that I bought.
Have some other plans too. Want to start putting them up NOW.
I know a lot of people think it's too early and "What about Thanksgiving!" If Thanksgiving had the decorations that Christmas had... sure... but it doesn't... so bring on the Christmas stuff!!!
Thanksgiving isn't being forgotten b/c I am looking forward to that stuffing and turkey too :D
I'll get some photos of everything I do. Hopefully I'll have a lot of cute DIY stuff to share :)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Feel so off...

I think I'm having problems with my blood pressure. Need to see a doctor about it, but in the mean time I'm going to check my bp during the day.
Feeling so off lately though and when going to bed noticed that my heart rate just seems too fast.
If this isn't a wake up call that I need to start exercising, then I don't know what is.

Having this feeling for the last week or so.... it's really scared me. I want to be here to help raise and watch my kids grow and that's not going to happen if I keep procrastinating about getting healthy. I'm not 20something anymore.. I'm almost 40. While 38 isn't old... Plenty of folks are dying at my age from heart problems.
I can't fuck around anymore b/c nature is a bitch and isn't going to do me any favors.

Starting tomorrow.. I'm going to start. Need to clear out the area around the elliptical b/c I'll be doing that along with whatever else I can find on youtube.

In other news.. kids had fun on Halloween. We walked all around our very hilly neighborhood. Not many houses giving out candy, but they still managed to get a good bit. Mostly b/c we also took them to 2 different trunk or treats on different nights.

DH wants to participate in the trunk or treat at his church next year and I want to give our candy. Went discount Halloween stuff shopping the day after and bought mostly lights and some projector decorations.
Just want my kids and everyone else's kids to have the same experience we used to back in the day.

Zoe got in her report card. Says that she's not up to their level in identifying her upper and lower case letters and she needs to work on her "popcorn" words (specific words that they learn each week).
Load of bullshit.
Now.. I'm definitely not one that thinks my kids are perfect, but Zoe knows her alphabet and knows the words she learns b/c she always points them out if she sees them out and about. And if she hears us say them just in every day talk, she always points out that it's a popcorn word.
Maybe she's not doing that in school so they think she doesn't know it... I dunno.
Put up some alphabet stickers that I had bought last year and definitely will be going over her words more often now.

She also got her first school picture and... it's...... ok lol. The girl is scrawny, but she somehow managed to give herself double chin in the photo and this sheepish little half smile lol. She's adorable though and while I'm not totally happy with it, I'm happy to have it.
I'll take ugly ones, average ones, pretty ones.. whatever. I want them all!! :D

And Ezra has finally started walking!! He's really started to let go and walk more within the last couple of days and it's adorable :D