Sunday, March 24, 2019

Don't give me excuses

Joined a forum for my neighborhood. Just to get info on what might be going on etc.
Yesterday, we finally took the kids up to the neighborhood playground. Gorgeous day and kids had fun.
Now the way it's situated, you can see some this area from the main road that goes by the neighborhood. BUT there are a lot of blind spots. Perfect for folks wanting to do not so great things there.
Listen.. if you want to go shoot up... go for it. Fuck up your life... but how about not coming in to my neighborhood and doing it where kids play!
A red car came rolling in with 2 people. Couldn't see them b/c windows were slightly tinted, but you could see their outline.
Swings around and parks right in a spot that you can't see from the main road.
They roll their windows down a little, and didn't come out of their car for 20-30mins. After that, they left.
Now tell me... am I crazy to think that they were probably doing drugs??
Am I crazy to be PISSED OFF that these people chose this area where KIDS PLAY to do that shit???
So I posted my concern on the neighborhood site and here comes "know-it-all Sally" with her 1000 and 1 excuses for the totally innocent reasons someone could park there.
Like UBER drivers (b/c ubers often travel with a passenger already in their car??) or some other stupid shit, then laughed about people just smoking weed acting like I'm just some overreacting mom.
Nah.... I don't fucking assume the worst is happening. THIS instance it was obvious something wrong was going on and not just "haha just people smoking weed".
And all I asked was for more security cameras in the area. Ya know... more security to hopefully keep people like that away. Our HOA isn't that much thankfully, BUT there are a lot of houses in the neighborhood paying in to it which equals a lot of money. Where the hell is that money going??

Just ugh... yes I'm really fucking pissed off about this. Pissed off that some stupid bitch tried to brush off my concern as "no big deal. People use the spot for whatever all the time." Nah... excuse me, but that's not good enough. I'm not naive enough to think that we could keep all bad people out, but we sure as shit could deter them if we had more security cameras up.
There are 2 in that spot. One of them is pointed towards the playground, the other? Pointed at the broken basketball court that has no hoops b/c the folks in charge don't want "gangs" to congregate and play basketball there and mess up the hoops.

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