Sunday, April 15, 2018

So annoyed

SO damn annoyed at DH.
He has a major attitude/patience problem and it's getting on my nerves.
Doesn't help that I'm on my period too and yes, I'm moody as shit so it's doubly annoying.
He has a short temper when it comes to the kids. I mean.. they're at an annoying age TBH lol. Anyone that says toddlers are super awesome all the time are frickin liars.... and we have 2 of them along with a 5yo with the 'tude of a teen.

So anyway.... just earlier today he half jokes that he needs to stop playing this game/app. It's a Star Wars game that we both play and off and on it when we get the chance. He says that since he started playing, he's been slacking in other areas and today... boy today really showed it.
So a little while after he said all of that... we're all in the living room and I tell the kids to pick up the toys they have all over the floor.
Again and again and again until I'm yelling at them.... what is DH doing? Just sitting over in his spot getting a more and more annoyed look on his face while I'm the only one trying to fucking parent our kids.
Like.. if you HELPED me with our offspring that we both made.. maybe... just maybe you and I both wouldn't be getting so annoyed when the kids don't listen.
And he's bad at holding in his annoyance and it coming out at everyone. Like if he encountered bad traffic on the way home... he has a tendancy to bring his frustration and annoyance at the traffic home with him. Like dude.... you can tell me you're frustrated, but do NOT get a fucking attitude with me or the kids over it.
Anyway... so nope... he just sat there on his phone, huffing and puffing until I'm getting a headache b/c I'm pissed at the kids not listening to me and pissed off at him for not fucking helping.
Fast forward a little bit and he's getting short with the kids b/c he's STILL pissed at them not listening. Like dude..... no.
Every single time he starts getting on to the kids for not listening, I'm right there to back him up and to get the kids to do whatever he's telling them to do. With me though? Silence.. or the huffing and puffing.
I'm just tired of his lack of patience and lack of help.
Don't get me wrong, he's a great dad most of the time, it's just shit like this he needs to work on.
I do too for that matter. Not even trying to paint myself in to some perfect picture b/c I totally am not. I lose my temper a lot b/c well... toddlers are assholes sometimes.
But anyway... just..... just HELP ME and let shit go dude. And of course if I bring anything up he's gonna get pissed and just ugh..... I just want to go to sleep.

Oh and it happened finally.
We were grocery shopping yesterday and some old ladies mentioned how we had our hands full. They said something weird about only having 2 handfuls and DH took it to mean that Ezra wasn't a handful yet, so he said something weird that made them think I was pregnant so one of them asked me when I was due.
I didn't hear her at first, so I thought she asked how old Ezra was, but then she patted her belly and had a questioning look.
I said Oh.. and then laughed and said it was just fat.
Oh she got so embarrassed. Surprisingly, I didn't though. I knew it was going to happen. I know what I look like and I'm very aware that I look like I'm 7m pregnant lol.
I kept telling her that it was ok when she kept trying to apologize. Now THAT started to embarrass me a little. Just that she wouldn't just drop it. It was totally cool though. I didn't take offense to it at all and it certainly didn't hurt my feelings or anything.
Maybe if this had happened before kids, it would've. But now? Pffft... nope.
Also helped that Oren and Zoe were acting like little rabid raccoons so my attention couldn't be kept on that and I had to wrangle them up.
But man... I'm just glad that it doesn't bother me.
I certainly don't like looking this way, but asking if I'm pregnant... meh. Honest mistake ya know?

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