So this woman in one of my mommy groups gave birth a few days ago. A home VBAC. MORON.
She just posted her birth story and I really can't with this bullshit.
She starts talking about feeling vindicated and in a different post, how this birth was a healing experience from her first one.
But she starts saying how she was getting annoyed with her midwives (nurse midwives thankfully who seemed like they knew what they were doing).... b/c they kept wanting to check the baby's vitals and were getting concerned etc.
Sounds like she was planning a water birth too which is all sorts of stupid as well, but when they broke her water (which she was also annoyed about), there was meconium in the fluids so they made her get out and called an ambulance (bc they're responsible midwives unlike the "professional" ones we have in the states).
She did push the baby out at home and thankfully baby was fine... but she couldn't deliver her placenta.
They gave her some kind of shot that I think is supposed to help deliver the placenta and of course... more annoyance at her midwives who know what the hell they're doing.
Then turns out... she had had A LOT to drink while in labor, but she hadn't peed at all so her bladder was super full which may have been causing problems. But she had refused the catheter at home and then was hesitant to get it in the hospital until she finally agreed.
Then she has the nerve to put the blame on the midwives for not realizing that she hadn't peed.
Bitch... they didn't get to you until the final hours of your labor AND you were in the pool of water. How were they supposed to know?
How about you should've taken your dumb ass to the hospital and given birth like a SANE fucking person that doesn't make birth all about some stupid "healing" experience.
I know I sound harsh and I really don't have a problem with women wanting vbacs... but a home vbac and then getting pissed off at the professionals for doing their job and not spotting a problem when.. how the hell were they supposed to know about it? FUCK OFF with that horseshit.
Just so tired of women wanting these fantasy fucking births and putting their baby and themselves at risk for a "healing" experience.
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